The End of An Era
I have learned a lot over the past three or so years, most of it has come from this man. Just by observing him, I know what hard work, long hours, and dedication look like. (Since he's no longer manager at Stater Bros. 170, there's no need to kiss ass, so all of this is true). Marc never found time to stand still, while I would be walking around trying to find something to do, he was already ten steps ahead of himself. He was always filling in the details, and that is what made the store a success. Not only was it his aesthetic, but his customer service was always something worth emulating. I won't forget the time he broke up an argument between to ladies while i was just trying to buy something for my break. He stayed calm, and that calmed the two crazy women. So this night was for him.
But first, I need to personally thank Marc for switching my schedule just so I can come to the party. Though it made a certain someone a tad upset.
A little pre-party at Stater Bros. Donna wished she could go.
(but let's say I didn't take this picture in the store)
Party at Kathy's=Drinks and Tacos!
I want EVERYTHING on it
*He's going to bite his hand one day*
I have a surprise for Marc
*what did I just get myself into*
Do your think Marc needs another shot?
I think Marc needs another shot
Yeah, Marc needs that other shot
He got his other shot.
Totally slipped something into that second one too
And let the party begin.
Don't be sad Nancy
Ellis was feeling pretty good.
I want cake
We want cake too.
To Kathy- Thank you for letting us into your home once again. I thoroughly had a great time
And to the couple of the evening. This one is for you.
Best of luck Marc, and thank you again for all that you've done.